Customized gift cards for business are a proven way to drive sales.
We provide plastic gift card printing services to national chains, as well as custom gift cards for small businesses.
Allow one of our gift card design specialists to design the perfect gift cards for your business. We can also utilize existing artwork to create your gift card.
All of our gift cards can be re-loadable, and are designed to work with most POS systems, including Micros, Aldelo, Squirrel and more.
We also offer a variety of gift card options, including foil stamping, metallic ink, custom sleeves and carriers, and a number of card finishes. Whether you’re looking for small business gift cards or large-scale plastic card printing and distribution, we are the gift card printer of choice.
To ensure your custom magnetic stripe cards will function properly, there are a few things you will need to know. Your POS or lock system provider will be able to assist you in obtaining this information.
1) Does your POS or lock system require magnetic stripes to be HiCo or LoCo? Or, is either option okay?
2) There are three available “tracks” or areas on your magnetic stripe. Which track or tracks should be used to encode your serial numbers onto your cards?
3) There are two types of serial number formats: random and sequential. Which format is required by your POS or lock system? If random, are specific characters or a specific number of characters required? If possible, it’s best to obtain a random number file from your POS or lock system provider. If your serial numbers are sequential, what number should we start with?